Kamis, 12 Januari 2012


By : Marsigit
Reviewed by : Siti Nurchoiriyah

Based on the Mr. Marsigit said in the Teacher Symposium, most of mathematics teachers still use traditional ways of learning mathematics, namely learning by relying on a single method with a cycle expository: to explain, give examples, ask questions and give the task in the classical style. With such methods of math teachers have trouble, then the need for the development of methods of learning mathematics itself.

Through the activity cycle of diagnosis, therapeutic and improvements, aimed at developing methods of teaching mathematics that can meet the needs of various academic demands of students, improving learning achievement, encouraging students to actively learn, develop props and encourage cooperation.
Teachers' efforts in meeting the various demands of academic students, encourage students to improve achievement of low achievers, encourage students to learn actively, and encourage students to learn through the example of cooperation is the development of BLM, the formation of study groups, the development of methods of class discussion / group, development tools visual aids and educational media.
But in reality, many teachers find its difficult. This is due not only from the teacher factor, but also from student factors, technical factor, and academic factor.
For that teachers need to plan a method that carefully, and prepare for all possibilities / risks to be faced. The school principal should create a conducive atmosphere, seek completeness of equipment and educational facilities, provide an opportunity for teachers to revise curriculum / syllabus, etc.. While the government to develop learning programs in accordance with the characteristics of the school and surrounding community, review the national curriculum to be replaced with local curricula, etc.. Then the college educational institutions should also pioneered the field of education reform, advising the government on the renewal of curriculum and education system, cooperating with schools in conducting educational innovation, etc

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