Rabu, 11 Januari 2012


By : Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed by : Siti Nurchoiriyah

The main concern for development of mathematics curriculum is to ensure that curriculum reflects the learning process that has been intended, therefore, we need to consider: 1) Guidelines for developing the syllabus, 2) Guidelines for the implementation of the curriculum, 3) supporting documents such as handouts, student worksheets , 4) involvement of teachers in curriculum development, 5) socialization and dissemination of curricula, and 6) routine monitoring of its implementation. Subject of competency-based curriculum is the development of a learning experience, contextual teaching and learning (CT & L), meaningful teaching, with attention to life skills in the form of three generic skills (personal skills, social skills, academic skills and proficiency skills). All skills / competencies are developed with the principles of authentic assessment assessed.
In fact, it's not easy to teach math, because we encounter many students who still find it hard to understand the math, even among those who regard mathematics as a frightening subject. As teachers we must know the characteristics of mathematics. Mathematics as search activity patterns and relationships, which require mathematics as a creative imagination, intuition and discovery, mathematics as problem-solving activities (problem solving), and mathematics as a tool to communicate.
In addition, we must understand the characteristics of learners, which students will learn mathematics if they have the motivation, students learn mathematics in its own way, students study math either independently or in collaboration with his colleagues, students need a context and a different situation in the study of mathematics . All these characteristics are called cognitive aspects. In addition to cognitive aspects, there are also aspects of affective and motoric aspects that must be considered. Hierarchy of categories according Krathwhol affective aspects include receiving state (receiving), respond (responding), formation of values (valuing), organization and characterization. For motoric aspects, teacher ask students to demonstrate abilities and skills of physical activity.
Learning strategies that developed in competency-based curriculum are: (1) emphasis on problem solving, (2) learning in various contexts of everyday life, (3) encourage students as active Learners, (4) appreciate the uniqueness of students and attention to diversity differences students, (5) learn through cooperative learning, and (6) developed the assessment in the test system.

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