Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Traditional Teaching Vs Innovative Teaching

By: Siti Nurchoiriyah (09301244051)

To teach students according to their way of learning styles so that goals can be achieved with optimal learning there are different models of learning. In practice, the teacher must remember that there is no learning model most appropriate for all situations and conditions. Therefore, in selecting appropriate learning models must consider the condition of the student, the material properties of materials, available-media facilities, and conditions of teachers themselves. So in learning activities digunakanpun method is not enough with just one method alone, but must be more innovative and interesting.

Without us knowing it was education in our country is still very traditional, the mark by using a single method that is expository with delivery method, positioning the teacher as the main actors and students are positioned as passive learners. Assuming the material to packing as much as possible to the students, then the traditional learning, teachers are forced to perform various control activities so that students cooperate and pay attention to the teacher. Control is done through a variety of ways even if necessary when the teacher asked a question though. This is because not understood as a paradigm of educational needs of students and the absence of the scheme for it. In addition, teachers also have not been able to develop a learning scheme to serve a wide range of academic needs of students.
Teachers in learning activities demonstrate how students' work and working on math problems individually to produce what has been shown to the student teacher. Activities of daily student learning consists of watching his teacher solve the problems on the board and ask students to work alone in a textbook or worksheet students have been provided. Based on what we know in schools, it seemed expressions of dissatisfaction from traditional teaching methods such as this.
To that needed to be taught how to change from traditional to modern or constructivist. This method would also demanding teachers to be more creative in providing instruction. Effective teachers are teachers who menstimlasi siwa learn math, so teachers do not make the student as a spectator or listener only, but students must participate actively in learning. Education findings from cognitive psychology and mathematical education show that optimal learning occurs when students actively assimilate new information and new experiences and construct their own meaning.
To understand what they learn, students must act with their own work through the math curriculum, testing, state, transform, resolve, implement, demonstrate and communicate. This generally occurs when students belaja in groups, engage in discussions, making presentations, and responsible with what they learned themselves.

To improve the quality of education, changes in the traditional way of teaching from a constructivist or a modern must begin immediately. This change would also demanding teachers to be more creative in providing instruction. Effective teachers are teachers who menstimlasi siwa learn math, so teachers do not make the student as a spectator or listener only, but students must participate actively in learning. Education findings from cognitive psychology and mathematical education show that optimal learning occurs when students actively assimilate new information and new experiences and construct their own meaning.

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