School :
Subject : Mathematics
Grade/Semester : X /1
Topics : Exponent, Root, and Logarithm
Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes
A. Standard of Competence
1. Solving problems related to exponent, root, and logarithm
B. Basic Competency
1.1 Using exponent, root, and logarithm
1.2 Doing algebraic manipulation in solving problems dealing with exponent, root, and logarithm
C. Indicators
1. Defining exponentiation, base, and exponent
2. Determining the properties of exponent
3. Understanding negative integer exponents and zero exponents
4. Changing negative exponent to positive exponent and otherwise
5. Expressing the number in standard form (scientific notation)
6. Doing algebra operation of exponent using the properties of its
D. Teaching Objectives
At the end of the session, students are able to:
1. Define exponentiation, base, and exponent
2. Determine the properties of exponent
3. Understand negative integer exponents and zero exponents
4. Changie negative exponent to positive exponent and otherwise
5. Express the number in standard form (scientific notation)
6. Do algebra operation of exponent using the properties of its
E. Teaching Materials
· Let a is a real number and n is positive integer greater than 1, then the power an says that n copies of a are multiplied together. Mathematically, it is written as:

The number a is called base, while the number n is called power or exponent
· Properties of the number with the positive integer exponents
then the properties below are hold:

1. Multiplication property 

2. Division property
, with 

3. Exponential property 

4. Multiplication and exponentiation property 

5. Division and exponentiation property 

· Definition negative integer exponents
For every
, and the positive integers n, then 

· Definition zero exponents
For every
, then 

· Definition scientific notation
A number N expressed in scientific notation is the product of an arbitrary number a (between 1 and 10) and exponent with base 10.

F. Teaching Approach and Methods
1. Approach : Contextual teaching
2. Methods : Question and answer, cooperative learning, presentation, homework students worksheet
G. Teaching Steps
First Meeting
a. Pre-teaching (15’)
§ Apperception
· The students recall the material about exponential numbers with base 10 that has been studied in junior high school
· The teacher relate the material that will be studied to initial knowledge by giving some repeated multiplication of same positive number.
For examples,

· Then students give argument to define exponentiation, base, and exponent.
§ Motivation
· Teacher tells the competencies that will be reached by students.
· Teacher tells the benefit of the material that will be studied in our daily life , such as: writing numbers of distances between the sun and the earth with many zeros isn’t effective so it is better to write them in the exponents.
§ Learning
Teacher previewing the new material
b. Main Activities (60’)
· The class are divided into a group that one group consist of four person, then the teacher distributes worksheets
· The teacher explain what they must do
· The students do worksheets in a group, and then they make a circle to easly communication when they discussion.
· 30 to finished worksheet
· The students discuss worksheets and the teacher control them that give guidance to every group.
· The representative student of each group must present the result from the worksheet in front of class then discuss it together.
· The teacher give chance student to ask about the material that has been studied
c. Closing (15’)
Teacher reviews, give reflection, and guides the students to make summary
a. The students give argument to draw conclusion and then discuss it together to make a right conclusion.
b. Teacher gives homework that related the material which has been studied compe
c. Teacher remind the student to read the material that will be studied next meeting
H. Learning Resources and Media
§ Marwanta, dkk. 2009. Matematics for Senior High School Year X Bilingual Based on KTSP. Jakarta: Yudhistira
§ worksheet
§ drawing papers
I. Assesment:
1. Technique : written and oral test
2. Instrument form :
Presentation and homework
The aspect that will be scored during presentation and discussion:
a. Psychomotor aspects (15 %) :
Participation 5%
Asking 15%
b. Affective aspects (5%) :
c. Cognitive aspects (80%) :
The truth of the result of every problems
Approved by, Sleman, 11 April 2012
Guidance Teacher Mathematics Teacher
............................. Siti Nurchoiriyah
NIM. 09301244051
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