Kamis, 12 Januari 2012


By : Marsigit

Reviewed: Siti Nurchoiriyah

Model pembelajaran adalah salah satu hal penting yang harus diperhatikan dalam meelaksanakan pembelajaran, khususnya oleh para guru. Untuk mendapatkan model pembelajaran yang sesuai dapat melaluai penelitian tindakan kelas. Tapi di lihat dilapangan selama ini metodde yang digunakan oleh guru adalah metode klasik atau metode yang biasa digunakan guru pada umumnya. Guru menjelaskan pada siswa, memberi pertanyaan, lalu memberikan lembar kerja. Hal ini tettu membuat siswa merasa jenuh karena kegiatan mereka hanya mendengar dan menjawab saja tanpa ada variasi yang lain.
Banyak guru mengalami hambatan dalam proses kegiatan pembelajaran, hal in dikarenakan siswa kurang menyukai cara-cara yang klasikal. Paadahal dengan metode pembelajaran yang lain pastinya siswa akan mendapatkan haql baru dan terpancing untuk mendengarkannya. Guru selalu mengalami kesulitan dalam hal fungsi pengembangan lembar kerja. Guru terlalu monoton dalam menjelaskan pembelajaran. Pengembangan praktik mengajar matematika dengan metode yang lain dapat mengembangakan kompetensi guru itu sendiri. Serta kualitas pengajaran mereka.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru dapat meningkatkan pengajaran matematika dengan memfasilitasi berbagai kebutuhan siswa dalam hal akademik dan kompetensi, mendorong siswa untuk menjadi pembelajar aktif, pengajaran yang bervariasi metode, dan mengembangkan alat bantu pengajaran dan bahan pengajaran
Guru dapat menembangkan pembelajran matematika dengan cara, diantaranya dengan:
1. Memfasilitasi berbagai kebutuhan siswa kompetensi akademik melalui pengembangan "pekerjaan-lembar" untuk siswa, mempromosikan kegiatan diskusi, siswa mengembangkan pembelajaran dalam kelompok, membimbing siswa, dan
mengembangkan skema untuk komunikasi antara kelompok-kelompok
2. Mendorong siswa untuk pembelajar aktif melalui pengembangan "pekerjaan-lembar" bagi siswa, siswa mengembangkan pembelajaran dalam kelompok, mengintensifkan dan pemantauan tugas mahasiswa dan homeworks, mempromosikan diskusi metode pengajaran, dan memperluas kegiatan pemecahan masalah


By: Dr. Marsigit, M.A
Reviewed by: Siti Nurchoiriyah
Math lessons for students is very difficult and for teachers teach hard too. To teach students the necessary mathematical methods, interesting ways so that students are not saturated and bored of math. But on the other hand teachers also had a late many obstacles in implementing these methods. Understanding the material. Learning facilities, the existing system and also affects the environment konsisi nets learning mathematics.
When teachers are faced with a national exam, teachers are required to provide the best for their students. That is the highest achievement of the target value of national exam. And to achieve those targets teachers also not easy because of differences in character and ability of students. Failure of students are not entirely error-students but could also be from the teacher because of lack of understanding of mathematics learning technology development so that students are less like math.
Bringing the essence of studying mathematics is actually subjective and objective mathematical knowledge through social interactions to obtain, test, represents the new knowledge they have gained. Studying math is not enough just to read and work on the problems alone but it takes creativity which requires initiatives that encourage imagination weeks to think differently
The learning environment also affects the course of learning because it can stimulate the emergence of mathematical problem. Different atmosphere to foster new thinking. Because math taught to be logical, consistent, skilled in solving problems and be able to use props preformance solve a problem.
Students' enthusiasm for learning if it is motivated. Therefore, teachers should also be able to give an injection of motivation so that students are not easily bored. Teachers should be able to provide a fun atmosphere with attention to students' desires, creating a classroom atmosphere that supports and stimulates learning, provide activities that challenge and appreciate each student achievement.


By: Dr. Marsigit, M.A
Reviewed by: Siti Nurchoiriyah

Pemerintah mendorong para guru untuk mengembangkan kecakapan hidup siswa dengan menggunakan lingkungan yang optimal untuk mendukung kegiatan siswa. Fungsi Pelajaran matematika di SMP adalah agar siswa berpikir logis, analitis, sistematis, kritis, kreatif, dan mampu berkolaborasi dengan orang lain. Ketrampilan an kreatif siswa akan terlihat ketika menghadapi masalah. Apakah siswa itu mampu memecahkan masalah apa tidak. Karena siswa yang kreatif akan mampu memecahkan masalah baik masalah terbuka maupun tertutup. Dalam memecahkan masalah siswa perlu kreatif untuk mengembangkan model matematika. Siswa memiliki kesempatanuntuk mengidentifikasi masalah matematika secara konstektual dan realistis. Guru juga perlu mengembangkan pendekatan konstektual dan realistis agar siswa selangkah demi selangkah mampu menguasai matematika. Agar pembelajaran matematika lebih efektif maka guru juga perlu mengembangka sumberdaya seperti teknologi informasi, alat bantu dan media lainnya karena pembelajaran matematika tidak harus berjalan ditempat tetapi juga mengikuti perkembangan jaman.

Begitu mulianya peran seorang guru yang harus membimbing siswa menjadi orang yang lebih baik terkadang siswa tidak menyadari akan hal itu. Perhatian, kesabaran, dan resiko yang ditanggung guru terkadang masih membebani guru ketika siswanya gagal dalam mencapai target pendidikan. Oleh karena itu metode-metode yang dikembangkan guru harus sesuai dengan situasi siswa. Bervariasinya cara dalam menyelesaikan masalah membuat siswa bisa memilih mana cara yang menurutnya bisa untuk diterapkan. Dalam prakteknya siswa dipandu dengan mengikuti demonstrasi yang dijelaskan oleh guru.
Guru dan siswa perlu membangun hubungan matematis untuk memfasilitasi pertanyaan, interaksi dan kegiatan siswa. Banyaknya metode matmatika dapat memberikan gambaran yang jelas tehadap masalah yang mereka hadapi. Kelompok diskusi kecil bisa mambantu guru dalam menjelaskan pengertian formal, hubungan dan operasi. Harapan guru adalah siswa mengetahui dan memiliki konsep matematika yang ditemukan dalam diskusi kecil tersebut


Reviewed by : Siti Nurchoiriyah

Strategies and applications relating to methods of teaching mathematics curriculum development. Developing curriculum and meet the standards of eligibility if the notice; current issues in education, issues that arise in the field, variations in school, educational personnel, interests and abilities of students, as well as the demands of social development, science and technology.

There are six basic principles must be considered in the development of mathematics syllabus based on competencies, namely: (1) learning opportunities for all students without exception subjects, (2) curriculum is not merely a collection of teaching materials, but may reflect a coherent mathematical activities, (3) the learning of mathematics requires an understanding of student learning needs, readiness to learn and service learning facilities, (4) opportunities for students to learn mathematics actively to build the structure of concepts through knowledge and experience, (5) the need for assessment activities to improve the quality of learning over time, and (6) utilization of a variety of strategies and learning methods dynamically and flexibly in accordance with the material, students and the learning context.
Competency-based mathematics education is a suppression of ability to be possessed by graduates, so the curriculum was developed based on the elaboration of standards of competence. Standard of competence is an ability that can be performed or displayed in learning mathematics, while the basic skills are minimal ability in mathematics courses that must be possessed by students. Basic skills can be affective abilities, cognitive and psychomotor.
Characteristics of school mathematics in the world
1. Mathematics as search activity patterns and relationships
2. Mathematics as problem solving
3. Mathematics as creativity requires imagination, intuition and invention.
4. Mathematics as a tool of communication
Characteristics of students learn mathematics
1. Pupils will learn math if they have the motivation
2. Pupils learn mathematics in its own way
3. Pupils learn math either independently or in collaboration with his friend
4. Pupils need the context and situation are different in the study of mathematics


By : Marsigit
Reviewed by : Siti Nurchoiriyah

Based on the Mr. Marsigit said in the Teacher Symposium, most of mathematics teachers still use traditional ways of learning mathematics, namely learning by relying on a single method with a cycle expository: to explain, give examples, ask questions and give the task in the classical style. With such methods of math teachers have trouble, then the need for the development of methods of learning mathematics itself.

Through the activity cycle of diagnosis, therapeutic and improvements, aimed at developing methods of teaching mathematics that can meet the needs of various academic demands of students, improving learning achievement, encouraging students to actively learn, develop props and encourage cooperation.
Teachers' efforts in meeting the various demands of academic students, encourage students to improve achievement of low achievers, encourage students to learn actively, and encourage students to learn through the example of cooperation is the development of BLM, the formation of study groups, the development of methods of class discussion / group, development tools visual aids and educational media.
But in reality, many teachers find its difficult. This is due not only from the teacher factor, but also from student factors, technical factor, and academic factor.
For that teachers need to plan a method that carefully, and prepare for all possibilities / risks to be faced. The school principal should create a conducive atmosphere, seek completeness of equipment and educational facilities, provide an opportunity for teachers to revise curriculum / syllabus, etc.. While the government to develop learning programs in accordance with the characteristics of the school and surrounding community, review the national curriculum to be replaced with local curricula, etc.. Then the college educational institutions should also pioneered the field of education reform, advising the government on the renewal of curriculum and education system, cooperating with schools in conducting educational innovation, etc