Rabu, 21 September 2011


By: Marsigit
Reviewed by: Siti Nurchoiriyah (P.Mat Swa 09/ 09301244051)
Beberapa latar belakang filosofis dari sifat praktik mengajar yang baik perlu dibahas sebagai referansi dari upaya untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan matmatika. Pemikiran-pemikiran yang menutupi pernyataan untuk apakah pendidikn itu? :
a.       Sebagai investasi atau sebagai kebutuhan bagi masyarakat,
b.      Sebagai kewajiban atau sebagi kesadaran siswa,
c.       Sebagai kompetisi atau sebagai kolaborasi,
d.      Sebagai produk atau proses? Dll
Meskipun contoh praktek yang baik berbeda dalam beberapa konteks, ada beberapa fitur umum untuk cara anak-anak bekerja seperti di formalitas menggambarkan kelas, kejelasan dari tujuan, etos sekolah, fleksibilitas dan berbagai gaya mengajar. Kualitas pengajaran adalah fitur terkuat  umum untuk semua contoh-contoh praktik yang baik, sedangkan kecukupan praktik yang baik dapat di uraikan berdasarkan konteks praktik yang ideal.
Brown di Riley (1992) menyatakan bahwa fitur praktek yang baik termasuk membina sikap positif terhadap matematika, penekanan pada penerapan matematika, perencanaan kerja yang baik, anak-anak menyusun hipotesis pengujian dan merefisi, kerja dan pola hubungan, berbagai pendekatan untuk perhitungan yang digunakan, penggunaan masuk akal dari kalkulator, pengalaman yang luas pengukuran dan estimasi, kebijakan yang jelas mengenai matematika, individu, kelompok dan bekerja seluruh kelas yang sesuai, kesempatan untuk koperasi bekerja, posotif dan baik waktunya untuk interfensi guru, memenuhi kebutuhan melalui defensi kerja, penggunaan pangalaman praktis dan pengalaman pertama, refleksi sesuai keragaman budaya, eksplorasi pekerjaan yang relevan, merangsang lingkungan kerja, pengajaran yang efektif.
TIMSS , dari rekaman video studi instruksi kelas dari pelajaran matematika di AS, Jerman, dan Jepang, menemukan bahwa praktik yang baik dari ajaran-ajaran matematika lebih memungkinkan untuk target pemikiran matematika dan berusaha untuk mengajarkan kepada siswa bagaimana memecahkan khususnya jenis masalah atau melakukan prosedur tertentu. Selanjutnya menyarankan bahwa konsep-konsep matematika jauh lebih mungkin untuk di kembangkan, bukan hanya di sajikan sebagia aturan. Ini termasuk beberapa cara untuk memecahkan masalah matematika dan meminta siswa untuk melakukan tugas-tugas yang tidak “rutin”.
Sementara dalam konteks Jepang, yang memiliki budayaLesson Study yang sudah sangat mendalam, praktek yang baik mengajar matematika (Masami Isoda) dapat di rasakan seperti yang terlihat direkam didalam kelas dan dapat menunjukkannya kepada orang lain. Selanjutnya mungkin di kenal sebagai pendekatan yang baik dalam suatu perekonomian dimana ada guru yang juga dikenal dengan pendekatannya. Oleh karena itu, mengajar matematika harus berguna bagi reformasi pendidikan matematika secara keseluruhan.

Developing ICT for Primary and Secondary Mathematics Teacher Professional Development: The Use of Video in Lesson Study

By: Marsigit,
Reviewed by : Siti Nurchoiriyah (P. Mat Swa 09/ 09301244051)

Sebagian besar calon guru matematika memiliki sedikit kesempatan untuk mengamati pengajaran efektif dalam aktual kelas karena banyak pengalaman pertama mereka belajar berbasis di ruang kelas tradisional di mana aturan-aturan diterapkan secara metodis untuk memecahkan masalah. Dengan kata lain, mereka tidak memiliki dasar pengalaman untuk mengamati interaksi kelas yang kompleks dan cepat. Penggunaan pita perekam video (VTR) adalah salah satu aspek dari pengembangan ICT untuk mempromosikan pengembangan guru profesional. Melalui Studi Pelajaran kegiatan, beberapa guru Bahasa Indonesia memiliki pengalaman untuk mencerminkan mengajar mereka melalui VTR. Mencerminkan praktik mengajar yang baik matematika bentuk konteks berbeda melalui VTR terbukti untuk jelas mendorong dan memotivasi guru untuk meningkatkan kompetensi mengajar mereka. Di beberapa bagian kegiatan program pengembangan guru profesional di Indonesia, tahun 2002 -, 200 refleksi melalui VTR konteks dan persepsi guru Japanesse konteks Indonesia yang dihasilkan 'bahwa itu adalah baik model mengajar matematika yang mungkin dapat diterapkan di Indonesia. Namun, guru sadar bahwa untuk menerapkan model yang baik seperti ada beberapa kendala mendasar yang harus diatasi. Kata Kunci: TIK, VTR, pengembangan profesional, guru matematika, pelajaran studi .

Studi Pelajaran, sebagai salah satu kegiatan profesional guru "pembangunan, yang  dikembangkan di mana guru, bekerja sama dengan Dosen dan, mencoba beberapa model mengajar di sekolah. Para Dosen Program Pelatihan Guru dan Sekolah Guru bekerja bersama-sama, composes beberapa nomor Studi Pelajaran. Dasar-dasar kegiatan Lesson Study yang mencerminkan dan mempromosikan paradigma baru dari matematika pendidikan menengah dan ilmu pengetahuan, di mana kegiatan belajar tidak hanya dirasakan pragmatis dan berorientasi waktu singkat, tetapi juga dianggap sebagai suatu Longlife waktu tujuan.
Tujuan dari kegiatan Lesson Study adalah untuk memberikan kontribusi peningkatan sekunder pendidikan matematika dengan mengejar praktek yang baik mengajar matematika.
Pelajaran Studi untuk matematika sekunder dilakukan oleh terutama Kelas Penelitian Tindakan pendekatan. Mereka dilakukan untuk meningkatkan praktek belajar mengajar yang
dan untuk menemukan metode yang lebih tepat untuk memfasilitasi pembelajaran siswa. Guru pengalaman telah berbagi dengan guru lain dan kuliah. Spesifik Tujuan dari kegiatan Lesson Study adalah: (1) untuk mengembangkan instrumen dan peralatan untuk proses belajar mengajar, (2) untuk mengembangkan metode pengajaran dan model untuk pengajaran
proses belajar, (3) untuk mengembangkan materi mengajar untuk proses belajar mengajar, dan (4) untuk mengembangkan evaluasi mengajar untuk proses belajar mengajar. Pelajaran kegiatan studi membiarkan guru untuk merefleksikan dan mengevaluasi, bekerja sama dengan kuliah atau guru lainnya, paradigma mereka mengajar.
Untuk proses belajar dengan  menggunakan VTR, ada beberapa indikasi umum dapat diuraikan:
1. Ini perlu mempromosikan kerjasama di antara para guru, peneliti di pendidikan
teknologi dan dalam mata pelajaran disiplin, administrator, pelatih, orang tua, dll
2. Ini perlu untuk meningkatkan investasi dalam penelitian dan pengembangan dan dalam penciptaan
lingkungan belajar yang baru untuk bekerja sama.
3. Ini perlu mempromosikan koleksi, dokumentasi, dan difusi praktik yang baik
contoh. Ada minat meningkat dalam aspek-aspek terkait tidak hanya untuk perangkat lunak
desain, tetapi juga untuk definisi cara penggunaan cocok untuk mengeksploitasi perangkat lunak
fitur untuk mencapai mengajar bermakna dan kegiatan belajar.
4. Ini perlu mempromosikan studi model untuk penyebaran yang efektif dari sukses
proyek percontohan yang dibutuhkan untuk memastikan para guru menyadari potensi
didukung teknologi pembelajaran.
5. Ini perlu mempromosikan perubahan kurikuler, menggeser fokus dari pengetahuan sebagai set
konten untuk pengetahuan sebagai integrasi dari proses dan keterampilan. Perubahan
konteks global karena dampak dari TIK adalah mendefinisikan kembali jenis keaksaraan dan
keterampilan yang dibutuhkan.
6. Ini perlu mempromosikan beberapa tindakan dari pemerintah untuk membangun ITC
pendidikan jaringan mis pelatihan berdasarkan perencanaan dan refleksi kelas
praktek dan praktek baru yang potensial, termasuk refleksi dari peran mereka sebagai
guru dan peran peserta didik '.
7. Ini perlu untuk mendorong para guru untuk mengembangkan penggunaan ITC / VTR dalam mereka
pengembangan profesional.

Pembudayaan Matematika di Sekolah Untuk Mencapai Keunggulan Bangsa

By : Drs. Marsigit MA
Reviewed by: Siti Nurchoiriyah (P.Mat Swa 09/ 09301244051)

Materially, mathematics can be concrete objects, pictures or models of cube, colorful symbol of big numbers or small, square-shaped pond, pyramid-shaped roof, the pyramids in Egypt, the horses roof right triangle-shaped, wheel-shaped circle, and so on. Formally, the math can take the form of pure mathematics, mathematical axiomatic, formal mathematics or mathematics deductively defined. Normatively, then we tidakhanya studied mathematics, both materially and formally, but we berururusan by value or value that is in reverse mathematics. As for the metaphysical, mathematical dimensions reveal various levels of meaning and value that only can be achieved in metacognition. That is one form of awareness of the various dimensions of mathematics. Civilize mathematics in school is the range between the awareness of the various dimensions of mathematics, learn and develop attitudes that are supported by knowledge of the methods and mathematics content, in order to obtain the skills to do mathematical activities, to obtain a variety of experience conducting and researching mathematics and present it in various forms in accordance with dimensions.
Acknowledged that the content and formal mathematical methods, because in principle, make
mathematics as abstract, general, formal, objective, rational, and theoretical. This is the essence of science and mathematics. With this approach the absolutist establish formal mathematics that he regarded as neutral and value free (Shirley, 1986). Things are bound to the social implications and values ​​attached to them, explicitly, its omission. The unwavering absolutist stance of looking at it objectively neutrality of formal mathematics. But in reality, the values ​​contained in the things mentioned above, makes the problems can not be solved. This is because based on things that are formal course can only reach the outer part of the discussion of mathematics itself. Mathematics promoted itself actually contains implicit values. Abstract is a value to the concrete, formal, a value of informal, objective to subjective, justification of the invention, the rationality of intuition, reason against emotion, common things to halhal particular, the theory of practice, working with the mind of the work by hand, and onwards. If they are willing to accept criticism that there is, in fact their views on the formal mathematics that neutral and value-free is also an inherent value in themselves and difficult to see. The "social constructivits" view that mathematics is a human creation through a certain period of time. All the differences resulting knowledge of human creativity which is interlinked with the nature and history. Consequently, mathematics is seen as a science that is bound to the culture and value creator in its cultural context. The history of mathematics is the history of its formation, not just those related to disclosure of the truth, but it covers problems that arise, understanding, statements, evidence and theories created, which is communicated and experienced by the reformulation of individuals or a group with various interests. Such a view gives the consequence that the history of mathematics need to be revised. Thus the idea of ​​a social constructivist mathematics leads to the need for the material.
To be able to cultivate business mathematics in school, then we should use the material dimension of mathematics or math on the dimensions of the transition to formal mathematics.
Acculturation of mathematics in school can begin with defining the essence of school mathematics. Ebbutt, S and Straker, A., (1995) defines school mathematics as:
(1) activity is an activity tracking mathematical patterns and relationships,
(2) mathematical activities require creativity, imagination, intuition and invention,
(3) activities and results of mathematics needs to be communicated,
(4) activities are part of the problem solving mathematical activities,
(5) algorithm is a procedure to obtain the answers to math problems, and
(6) social interaction is required in mathematical activities. Acculturation of mathematics in schools can emphasize the human relationships in the dimensions and appreciate individual differences in both the ability and pangalamannya. If mathematics is seen as absolute truth and certainty, but individuals are particularly prominent role in achievement.

Memanfaatkan Microsoft Word 2007 Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Geometri di SMP

Dr. Marsigit M.A.
Reviewed by: Siti Nurchoiriyah (P.Mat Swa 09/ 09301244051).

With Microsoft Office 2007 we can develop learning geometry at school. Microsoft Office 2007 comes SmartArt Graphic so that users can create different kinds of graphs. With SmartArt graphics tools we can create different kinds of wake geometry of dimension 2 or 3 dimensions. With SmartArt graphics devices we also can do animation in the wake as well as add text for explanation barbagai kinds of images.
By utilizing the various facilities within the Microsoft Office 2007, we can develop a medium of learning geometry in junior high. Media learning geometry in junior high
is an elaboration of the implications of Competency Standards (SK) and Basic Competence (KD) as follows. In particular, Competency Standards relating to the junior high school students geometric capabilities can be mentioned as follows:
1. Understanding the relationship line to line, line with an angle, corner angle, and
determine its size
2. Understand the concept of a rectangle and a triangle and determine its size
3. Using the Pythagorean Theorem in problem solving
4. Determining element, the circle and its size
5. Understanding the properties of the cube, beam, prism, pyramid, and their parts, and determine
6. Understanding kesebangunan up flat and its use in problem solving
7. Understanding the properties of tubes, cones and spheres, and determine its size

Use of Microsoft Word 2007 software can be done easily because the software is available in all computer generation baru.Keterampilan making wake-up the foundations of geometry Microsoft Word 2007 using the facilities can be developed to make the wake-up is more complex geometries, such as wake-up 3-dimensional geometry. Skills can be improved to study aspects of geometry with a higher standard of competence, for example to determine the value of pi.

From the above description can be concluded as follows:
a. The use of Microsoft Word 2007 relatih easily done by the teacher because
This software is contained in almost every new computer generation.
b. The use of Microsoft Word 2007 will add to the motivation and pleasure in
studying geometry.
c. Students can use Microsoft Word 2007 to study the geometry of both
independently or through collaboration.
d. By using Microsoft Word 2007, students can conduct investigations or
investigation into concepts of geometry.
e. By using Microsoft Word 2007, students can perform activities
problem solving or solving mathematical problems.
f. By using Microsoft Word 2007, students can communicate hasilhasilnya
both to teachers and to another friend.

Sabtu, 17 September 2011


Dr. Marsigit
Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika, FMIPA Universias Negeri Yogyakarta
Reviewed by:
Siti Nurchoiriyah (P. Mat swa 09/ 09301244051)

Research is an activity to gain knowledge called science, done with certain procedures that are systematic and supported by a methodology is an assessment of the rules in his method. As a teacher or prospective teacher of mathematics are required to always perform innovative
discussion of how we gain knowledge about learning mathematics in accordance with current trends. Our knowledge about aspects of learning mathematics as a knowledge that is desired is an understanding of scientific about the workings of the mind of individual students in learning mathematics, how gain an understanding of aspects of learning and how arkitektural
a teacher to understand the analogies between the student's knowledge, knowledge teacher and practitioner knowledge about learning mathematics. Enterprises can achieved if developed a scientific method that meets the coherence properties and properties correspondence. A description of the phenomena occurring in the process of learning mathematics as a description of truth, requires empirical measures is rational to obtain theories about truth and ideals practice learning mathematics. Thus in the end good knowledge ontologically formal and legally able to increase the professionalism of teachers in the field mathematics education.

If we want teachers of mathematics education reform is the research mathematics education will become a necessity. Apart from the formal legal aspects of mathematics education research activities either by teachers, lecturers as well as by prospective teachers will give many benefits. With the study of mathematics education we can know the existence of differences in individuals or groups to study the mathematics, we can determine the position of students in the group, can compare learning outcomes between groups. We can also do a match between objectives and results of learning outcomes: whether the standard of competence or basic competence has been achieved? Research results can be used for refining the program, mentoring, provision of information to the public. Besides that we also can do a comparison between the performances and the criteria for each dimension of the program as well as refining the program and the inference results of mathematics education as a whole. Then we can conduct studies on the implementation of the program, the influence of the learning environment, the influence of the program, curriculum or syllabus of learning outcomes, and ultimately used for the improvement of mathematics education program as a whole. Of excessive exposure in advance not to the teachers would be given a suggestion to enter the educational research activities is always attached with mathematics learning activities. More specifically, before learning of mathematics held the teachers should do the following as a preparatory step:

Planning for mathematics learning environment
- Determine the necessary teaching resources
- Plan activities that are flexible
- Plan the physical environment of learning mathematics.
- Involve students in creating mathematical learning environment.
Develop students' social environment
- Plan activities to work together.
- Encourage students to appreciate each other.
- Browse the feelings of students about mathematics
- To develop mathematical models.
Plan mathematical activities
- Plan mathematical activities are balanced in terms of: material,
time, trouble, activities, etc..
- Plan mathematical activities that are open (open-ended)
- Plan activities according to students' abilities.
- Development of mathematical topics.
- Build mental math.
- When and where help students?
- Use a variety of teaching brag (books vary).